
Showing posts from October, 2021

Ode to an Inebriation Urn

  Photo from personal files (Artist - Aakaanksha Pandey) You either contain Venoms of strife, Or some honeyed Nectar of life; You green clay pot of Whiny wine, From outside Why do you shine? Aren't you like A quiet crocodile, To kill me when Relaxed and idle? You either harbor Storm of emotions, Or just the vicious Desires of humans; Shelved at old tavern You urn of inebriation, Who takes the credit For your creation? Is that glassy wine flute Your beloved cousin, Fit to brim with your Poisonous oozing? There may be a Genie Sitting inside you, To fulfil our various Mundane desires anew; Or a hunter waiting To leap up and prey, Just for nothing But to raise trivial fray; Will you lure me, Pour yourself in the jar, Or should I falter, And come to your bar? Can you give equal joy To rich and poor, Or like a chameleon You change your color? The rich loves you, sips you And laughs loudly, The poor borrows you, Gulps and gasps bitterly; Why do you not  Behave impartially? Or is it we who

Born To Love You

  Photo by Manuel Meurisse on Unsplash I was born for nothing, With nothing, but Just a small tiny thing – My heart – to Love, love Love you my little Zing ! I flew on the wings of your dreams, Cried in the pangs of your screams, Gleamed in the burst of your smiles, Swam with the thrust of your wooing eyes, Burnt in the heat of your body, Bounced with the push of your steams! I toiled for your desire, Hoping you to less perspire, 'Cause I had none of my own, Just wished to remain your man; Alas, I failed and fate won To throw you in despair! I loved every bit of you, Your heart, body, mind, and hue; But now I miss you, insanely wish To kiss you, tightly hug you Until I fuse and conjoin Eternally forever with you! Come, one last time, Just for the sake of mine, Blow like a cool breeze Over my existence, Until I freeze and cease To suffer from my deadly disease! ‘Cause sadly I was born With nothing, attained nothing, And will carry nothing Except your love – The only purpose of my so