Ode to an Inebriation Urn


Photo from personal files (Artist - Aakaanksha Pandey)

You either contain

Venoms of strife,

Or some honeyed

Nectar of life;

You green clay pot of

Whiny wine,

From outside

Why do you shine?

Aren't you like

A quiet crocodile,

To kill me when

Relaxed and idle?

You either harbor

Storm of emotions,

Or just the vicious

Desires of humans;

Shelved at old tavern

You urn of inebriation,

Who takes the credit

For your creation?

Is that glassy wine flute

Your beloved cousin,

Fit to brim with your

Poisonous oozing?

There may be a Genie

Sitting inside you,

To fulfil our various

Mundane desires anew;

Or a hunter waiting

To leap up and prey,

Just for nothing

But to raise trivial fray;

Will you lure me,

Pour yourself in the jar,

Or should I falter,

And come to your bar?

Can you give equal joy

To rich and poor,

Or like a chameleon

You change your color?

The rich loves you, sips you

And laughs loudly,

The poor borrows you,

Gulps and gasps bitterly;

Why do you not 

Behave impartially?

Or is it we who perceive

You so differently?

Are you made of

Black grapes and berries,

Or your liquor contains

Apples and cherries?

What? The girl next door

May fill my glass!

Hold on you old prick!

Have some class!

Isn’t it about my life

And my prerogatives,

To either accept or

Reject your narratives?

What is there

About you so divine?

If you are  going to

Uncork yourself, fine!

Else, let me do

The honor, I implore!

Let me fathom you

Drown and explore,

‘Cause before I dip

In you my toe,

I need to decipher

You a friend or foe!


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