

                                                                Photo from personal files

Today she has taken the reins 

Of her soul, mind and brains

It is a real feast to behold her 

Once again playing with paints

There she sits with her heart

Filled with creativity, wit and art

Now I hope the white canvas

Of life will turn into colorful cart

She shed her gloom and despair

Surely time does heal and repair

Every insult, injury, scar and fear

If you brace up, face, fight and dare 

It takes courage to fight the battle

Of raging fires within one's self

And win one's dreadful demons

Unbolt, tame and freeze them to shelf

She is a synonym of courage

A genius of creativity, a sage

Grit, guts and gallant surface

On ceding agony, angst and rage

So relative are losses and gains!

Firmament of her entity she reigns

I admire her caliber and resolve

To steer through tosses and turns


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